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ULIPs ADA Compliance

ADA X ulips
ADA Sidewalk Compliance Criteria ULIPs (sidewalks) key benefits
Running Slope (Grade) [ADAAG 4.3.7] 1:20 (5%) max, if greater, treat as ramp
  1. estimate grade (running slope) X
  2. estimate cross slope X
  3. identify sidewalk faults (heaving)X
  4. synchronized data with GIS coordinatesX
  5. synchronized with rider input “events/features”X
Cross Slope [ADAAG 4.3.7] 1:50 (2%) max, if greater, treat as ramp
Changes in Level (Fault) [ADDAG 4.5.2] - 1/4 inch max vertical bump
- 1/4 to 1/2 inch beveled at 2:1
- If > 1/2 inch, treat as ramp (12:1 bevel)

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